2012-12 | 371 |
2012-11 | 358 |
2012-10 | 178 |
2012-09 | 297 |
2012-08 | 380 |
2012-07 | 389 |
2012-06 | 301 |
2012-05 | 181 |
2012-04 | 96 |
2012-03 | 267 |
2012-02 | 181 |
2012-01 | 75 |
12 months | 3074 |
2011-12 | 105 |
2011-11 | 119 |
2011-10 | 60 |
2011-09 | 40 |
2011-08 | 50 |
2011-07 | 71 |
2011-06 | 28 |
2011-05 | 10 |
2011-04 | 21 |
2011-03 | 28 |
2011-02 | 12 |
2011-01 | 4 |
12 months | 548 |
3622 spam comments in 2 years – but only 157 “ham” comments. I wished it was the other way round. Buy hey, none of those spam comments where ever shown on my blog… thanks to Akismet.
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